My Work

Here is a selection of my content writing projects.

Click through to the project descriptions for links to samples of my work.

If you like what you see and feel we could be a good match, let’s have a chat

and get the ball rolling.

Katrina was very easy to work with, she is thorough and was sure to get as much information as she possibly could in order to deliver our blog to a high standard.

Even with the minimal amount of information we were able to provide her in order to write this she was able to come up with amazing content that our clients really enjoyed reading.

Emma, Brooke's Blooms

Clients Who Have Trusted Me

To Create Their Content

Need Inspiration For Your Business Blog?


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for biz consultants, coaches, VAs and professional services

Create killer blog content that will build your know + like + trust factor and have your dream client knocking on your door ready to start working with you!

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